Borden 11:00-1:oopm
Target: EN-1 1000, LAP 200, Power 50, LA Tol 350, Recov 450
Warm Up: 700m+
EN-1: 600
- 4 x 50 Kick on 1:15
- 4 x 100 SP or IM on 2:00
LAP: 200 (200 Recov)
- 2 x (25 FS Sprint, 25 Easy) on 1:30
- 3 x (50 Fs Sprint, 50 Easy) on 2:30
Recov: 200 Easy with fins
LA Tol: 350 (550 Recov)
- 2 x (100 BK Max, 150 Recov) on 5:30+
- 2 x (75 FS Max, 125 Recov) on 5:30
Swim Down: 500
- 200 Easy with Fins
- 300 Increase Breathing