Mix-Fins – Aerobic with Test Set
Warm-Up: 1200m
- 200m Pull Choice
- 4 x (25m Kick IM, 25m Swim FS)
- 2 x (25m Fist FS, 25m Swim FS)
- 4 x (25m Kick FS, 25m Swim IM)
- 2 x (25m 3-3-3 BK, 25m Swim BK)
- 100m Pull BR
- 100m Swim BR
- 200m Swim Choice
Set 1:200m Aerobic (7:03-7:07)
- 4 x 50m FS on Descending Pace (starts on 0, 60, 55, 50 sec) ** fins opt
Alt pace, do less 50’s or do 25’s
Set 2:50m Aerobic (7:09-7:13)
Pacing Plan for the Test Set is crucial. Swim this 50m FS easy to set a pace for being able to repeat the pace for 1000m. The point of the test set is to pick a pace you can maintain. Here are some samples:
50m FS on 40sec => 100m FS on 1:20 + 10 sec rest = 1:30 pace
50m FS on 45sec => 100m FS on 1:30 + 10 sec rest = 1:40 pace
50m FS on 50sec => 100m FS on 1:40 + 10 sec rest = 1:50 pace
50m FS on 55sec => 100m FS on 1:50 + 10 sec rest = 2:00 pace
50m FS on 60sec => 100m FS on 2:00 + 10 sec rest = 2:10 pace
- 50m FS pace – recommend no fins
Set 3:1000m Aerobic (7:15-7:35)
TEST Set – recommend no Fins
- 10 x 100m FS on your pace – hold for all 10
Note: if you are finding it easy to hold pace for the first 5×100, then hold the same pace and descend the last five swim times.
Set 4:400m Recovery (7:37-7:45)
- 400m BK with every 4th length FS – with Fins – on 7:30
Work on distance per stroke and proper turns.
Set 5:400m Kick (7:47-7:55)
- 8 x 50m Kick Choice on 1:00
Set 6:400m Recovery (7:57-8:07)
- 400m Pull as 4 x (25 BR, 25 FS, 25 BK, 25 FS)
work on distance per stroke and turns.
Set 7:300m Aerobic (8:09-8:15)
- 6 x 50m IM Seq on 60 sec
swum as twice through FL-BK, BK-BR, BR-FS
Set 8:800m Aerobic (8:17-8:27)
- 4 x 25m on 30 sec
- 4 x 25m on 40 sec
- 4 x 25m on 25 sec
- 4 x 25m on 45 sec
Must change strokes every 4 x 25m and no repeats!
All strokes will be covered so choose wisely based on pace!!
Alt pace ensure min of 5 sec rest on all if missing pace.
Cool down swim – increase breathing 200m
W.U. 1200m, Kick 400, Main 2750m, Swim Down 200m = 4550m