Borden Noon
Warm Up: 500m
EN-1/Kick: 700m / 300m
- 2 x 50 FS Kick on 1:30
- 300 FS Fins with every 4th length BK
- 2 x 50 BK Kick on 1:30
- 200 FS Pull
- 200 BK Fins
- 2 x 50 BR Kick
- 50 easy
EN-2: 400m
- 4 x 100 FS on 1:45, swim <1:30 (act: 1:27 1:29 1:28, 1:28)
- 50 easy
LAP: 150m
- 3 x (50 FS Fast min time/stroke, 50 easy)
EN-3: 500
- 6 x 50 FS Fast on 1:00, swim <40
adjusted to 3x on 55sec, 3x on 60 no extra break - 100 easy
- 200 FS for time (act: 2:52)
- 100 easy
LAP: 100
- 4 x (25 Fast, 25 easy)
Swim Down: 200