(Distance Holiday Time)
Sprinters CF Nationals Program – Race Prep WK 2/5
Borden Noon – Recovery Session
Warm Up: 500
Recovery: 400
- 200 FS Fins
- (25 Kick, 50 Swim , 25 Kick 50 Swim, 50 Scull)
Kick: 200
- 1 x 100 Fin Kick on 2:00
- 2 x 50 Fin Kick on 1:00
EN-1: 800
- 200 FS on 3:45
- 2 x 100 FS Pull on 2:00
- 2 x 100 FS on 1:50, swim 1:35
- 4 x 50 FS on 1:00, swim 45
- 50 easy
LAP: 100
- 4 x (25 FS Fast off the blocks, 25 easy) on 1:30 2x ‘finish’ 2x flip
- 100 Recovery
Power Kick: 50
- 4 x Push-off fast Dolphin to 12.5m, easy rest of 25
Power: 50
- 4 x Block Dive + Breakout 6 strokes
** You can do more than 4 if you feel like it **
Swim Down: 200