Fall Wk 12 – cycle wk 2, Tues

Week # 2

warmup: stop at 0552

set: Kick 500 start at 0555

START 0606 am

set ** * test set: 10 * 100 FS on 2:00 HOLD one pace

DB:  1:19, 1:17, 1:16, 1:15, 1:16, 1:18, 1:18, 1:17, 1:18, 1:17

50 easy

Set**10 * 100 on 2:30 [75-25]  5=specialty, 3 = 1st stroke, 2 = 2nd stroke for 1st 75 )no FS), 25 = choice, including FS  10 sec rest between 75 & 25

DB too hot to work this set

50 easy

Swim down 200e

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