Target: EN-1 950, LAP 250, Power 50, LA Tol 200, Recov 450
Warm Up: 600m
- 100 Pull FS
- 100 Pull BK
- 100 FS Fins+Paddles
- 100 BK Fins+Paddles
- 200 IM Drills
EN-1 Kick: 800m
- 3 x 100 FS on 1:40 – Pull, Fins, Swim
- 4 x 50 Kick on 1:15
- 3 x 100 SP on 2:00 – Pull, Fins, Swim
LAP: 250 (250 Rec0v)
- 6 x (25 FS Sprint, 25 Easy) on 1:30
Touch and get time at 25m
One at 14 sec (high turnover), rest at 15 sec
Power: 50 (recov 50)
- 4 x (Dive Start Power w Breakout, easy rest of 25)
LA Tol: 250m (recov 450)
- 2 x (75m SP Max, 125 Easy) on 5:00
(1:01, 1:05) - 2 x (50m SP Max, 100 Easy) on 4:30
(36, 36)
Swim Down: 100m