IM Day with no LA Tol
Target: 750 EN-1, 200 EN-2, 150 LAP, 100 Power, 200 Recov
Warm Up: 500m
EN-1 + Kick: 750
- 2 x 100 FS on 1:45
- 100 BK on 2:00
- 2 x 100 IM on 2:00
- 100 FS Kick on 30
- 50 FS Kick on 20
- 2 x 25 FS on 20
- 2 x 25 Underwater Dolphin on 30
EN-2: 200
- 4 x 50 IM Seq on 1:05
FL-BK, BK-BR, BR-FS, choice
Not sprint – just solid stroke
Power 1: 50
- 4 x Dive Power Start 6 Strokes, Easy rest of 50
LAP: 150
- 6 x (25 IM Sprint, 50 Easy) on 2:00
1-4 IM, 5-6 Choice
Power 2: 50
- 4 x (Cruise 12.5m, Power Burst to wall, 25 Cruise)
Swim Down 300m+