East Bayfield 6:30am – FS – Peak Session for the week
Target: 750 EN-1, 100 LAP, 50 Power, 300 LA Tol, 400 Recov
Warm Up: 500
EN-1 + Kick: 750
- 3 x 100 FS on 1:45 (1:25-1:27)
- 5 x 50 FS on 1:00 (~40)
- 8 x 25 IM kick seq on 10 sec
- 50 Easy
LAP: 100 (200 Recov)
- 4 x (25 FS Blocks Sprint with turn, 50 Easy) on 2:00
(Some really poor dives)
Power: 50
- 4 x (FS Block Start Breakout, Easy rest of 50)
2xFS and 2xBK
LA Tol: 300m (550 Recov)
- 100m FS Blocks Sprint for time, 150+ Easy
~1:07 - 4 x (50 FS Blocks Sprint, 100 Easy) on 4:00
(30, 31, 31,31)
Swim Down: 300m