Borden Noon – Lactic Tolerance FS/BK
Warm Up: 550
EN-1: 1000
- 200 BK Fins
- 3 x 100 BK on 2:00
- 50 easy
- 200 FS Pull
- 3 x 100 FS on 1:45 (fell over the 1:30 mark)
- 50 easy
EN-2: 300
- 3 x 50 BK on 1:05, desc 1-3 act: 49 47 47
- 50 easy
- 3 x 50 FS on 1:00, desc 1-3 act: 43 41 40
- 50 easy
LAP/LaTol: 0 / 180 (total 1100)
2 x (25m BK Fast, 25 easy) on 1:152 x (25m FS Fast, 25 easy) on 1:15- 2 x (First 15m FS Fast, rest of 100 easy)
- 2 x (First 15m BK Fast, rest of 100 easy)
- 2 x (Flags in/out FS Fast, rest of 100 easy)
- 2 x (Flags in/out BL Fast, rest of 100 easy)
- 2 x (Last 20m of 50m FS Fast to Finish, rest of 100 easy)
- 1 x (Last 20m of 50m BK Fast to Finish, rest of 100 easy)
Power: 50
4 x Dive/Breakout
Swim Down: 200